Mobile App Features

Provides mobility and efficiencies

For Teachers

For Parents

Albest School Management System





Student Management


1Easily set class timetable for students.

2 Provide an overview of the teachers’ timetable.

3 A feature that allows you to promote students to the next academic session.

4 Allow for the seamless grouping of classes and subjects.

5 Maintain a record of all graduates.

Class Creation
Year / Standard / Form
Class Teacher Assignment
School Subject Creation
Subjects Grouping
Class Timetable Settings
Teachers Timetable
Teacher Subjects List
Student Promotion
Student Promotion Log
Graduated Student List
Graduated Student List Log

 Student Information
Student Houses Creation
Categories Creation
Reasons for Archiving
Student Admission
Student List
Sibling List
Archive Student List
Schedule Archive Student List
Failed Data Migration

Student Information

1 Create student admissions quickly and easily.

2 Display students who have a siblings list record.

3 Feature to import all of the students' data from a CSV file.

Add Homework

Student Certificate
Generate Certificate
Student ID Card
Generate ID Card


1Create and evaluate students' homework.


1Customizable school certificate and ID card template.

 Student Attendance
Mark Student Attendance
Daily Attendance List
Subject Attendance List
Student Leave Approval
Add Preset Holiday
Archive Leave List
Amended DA Log
Amended SA Log

Student Attendance

1Feature to mark students' attendance by day or period.

2Streamlined process for approving or rejecting students' leave.

3Add a preset holiday to make marking absences easier.

4Attendance list is well-organized and easy to read.

Fee Type Creation
Fee Group Creation
Fees Grouping
Fees Group List
Discount Coupon(DC) Creation
DC Assignment List
Collect Fees
Search By Payment ID
Search Due Fees
Fees Carry Forward
Fees Reminder Settings


1Flexibility in defining your own types of fees and discount coupons.

2Simplifying the collection of fees from parents or students.

3Keep track and carry forward any unpaid fees to the next academic session.

4Timely send fee reminders to parents.

Exam Grouping
Exam Schedule
Exam Result
Design Admit Card
Print Admit Card
Design Marksheet
Print Marksheet
Marks Grade


1Schedule and administer exams to students.

2Feature to generate exam admit card for students.

3Flexibility to set any grading system.

4Automate the calculation of students' results.


Staff Management

Human Resource

1Create departments and designations.

2Create and manage staff records.

3Feature to import all of the staff’s data from an Excel file.

 Human Resource
Department Creation
Designation Creation
Staff Directory Management
Archive Staff List
Schedule Archive Staff List
Failed Data Migration


Send Announcement
Announcement List
Archive Announcement List


1Make an announcement and send it to a group or to an individual.

2Allow for the archiving and resending of announcements.


1Centralised section to view all reports.

2Keep track of login times and audits.

Student Records
Student Attendance
Login Time
Audit Trail

 System Settings
Academic Session Settings
Role Settings
School Info Management
Add Customise Fields
Enable / Disable Users
Global Menu Settings
Student & Staff Field Settings
Mobile Main Page Settings
Email Settings
Payment Gateway
Print Header Footer

System Settings

1Flexibility in defining staff roles.

2Easily manage school information.

3Configured with FT Pay, a secure payment gateway.

4Fees receipt with customizable header and footer.